Game Board:
The target is South Korea with all its technological and industrial might. American's would really get angry if it lost Hyundai-Kia or some other techno product to the Chinese/North Korean aspirations.
Therefore, like all gamesmanship pieces the options for peace are limited and the probability for war are wide open. The Asiatic Game of Monopoly entails threats from players until the next roll of dice.
North Korea:
- Launching missiles
- Vast hidden bunkers
- A million soldier army
- Nuclear Capability
- A fearful South Korea
- Crazy leadership
- China
The US:
- Launching Missiles
- Vast Military Complex
- Allied partners
- Nuclear Capability
- A Fearful South Korea
- Somewhat Crazy Leadership
- China
- Launching its own stuff
- Vast Military Populations (millions and millions into Tai Chi)
- Secretly using North Korea for its own Aspirations
- Nuclear Capability
- A Fearful Military Complex
- Crazy Leadership
- Itself
Let's play the game with these pieces. The first roll of the dice is launching North Korean missiles willy-nilly with a purpose for scaring sensible people into a let's make some appeasement with the North. Where the US is seeking an elimination of the "problem".
The US has a treaty card with South Korea and it will use it on the next roll defending South Korea. China has billions and billions of $'s in trade with the US and is really mad at North Korea (not) for causing a problem with its roped in trade partner. It won't supervise North Korea into any sensible resolutions nor does it really want to do that, since it already has a "billion" man army at its disposal. North Korea can be dealt with at a future date after China plays the US out of this game.
The US has a turn because the rules say it has a turn and for no other reason. It flips up a Japan card and moves the F-35 Southward. The dice moves its game piece to Guam while passing "Go". It gets two; "get out the B-1's" money cards.
North Korea's turn: It launches its thirteenth missile since January 1, 2017. it then rolls its dice landing a one and then it moves Kim Jung Un deep into the peoples bunker's barber shop for a trim on his edges. Not feeling too edgy he (Kim) orders up a parade showing North Korea's latest cardboard missile cut-out on wheels.
China rolls the dice and moves its piece to Marvin Gardens for a "I'm getting really mad special". It draws its South China Sea Threat card sending in more dredges for its "floating" sand bar navy.
Operation Occupy is a knock-off of the America's Occupy Wall Street, China stole the plans from Occupy Wall Street. They just don't move until sand erodes away as nature intended. The US is developing a weather event to wash away sand collecting in the South China Sea.
The spinner, every game has to have a spinner, if it is including dice and cards, moves the US to the White House for a pressor. Its leader proclaims it has a B-2! No one saw that coming(stealth). China chimes up, "me-2!"
The US draws a Go-To-Hell card. "Do not collect another B-1 card going-around-Go, just go straight-to-hell. Ouch, the US goes for a Community Chest draw and it gets a South Korea "can't we all just get along" card.
North Korea shakes the dice as it shakes the ground when it blows-up an under ground H-bomb, because it can. Kim Jung Un is confirmed to have Rabies from CNN reporting. Someone from his entourage of fearless small people with big hats notices whipping creme on the corner of his mouth. It is a mistake since Kim Jung Un was really slobbering foam from Rabies. The small guy to his facing left with a big commanders hat is sent to an airport and is poisoned.
China again draws the angry card and seeks a way with North Korea to do the US in, as it pivots to the US seeking a way to do North Korea in without any face losing collateral damage.
It's down to the million man starving North Korean army verses the 10 million man all dressed up and no place to go Chinese Army.
The US has a B-2, flying behind the B-1 bomber in some kind of natural order. China once again rolls the dice and moves more sand around the South China Sea just for pounding purposes only. The US treaty with China allows it to just pound sand in the Sea's traffic lanes, only if it wants to do that little thing.
The US draws the one and only "Headline News Card". It must find a way to counter the democratically elected arm of the news government as well as the press in the Russia and China. The US goes to the spinner and the arrow lands on "Twitter This!" It can't win no matter what option is presented and it chooses using dice to move away from the Peoples Democratic Elected News.
It rolls a five and goes forward landing on the B&O railroad location where it's leader promptly begins talking about jobs and trade deals. North Korea launches another missile in some sort of applause metaphor.
North Korea has run out of missiles until next months replenishment. It must roll the dice and slam South Korea into another fear position. The US sends two more B-1's and one more B-2 in an effort for confusing North Korea with its numbers game.
All the players are pushing and bumping towards drawing the last card. Being the last card, it would be the war card, where the rules are thrown away and everyone looses.
How did we get to this point and why did "the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, in June 1914, a Serbian-nationalist terrorist group called the Black Hand sent groups to assassinate the Archduke", starting WWI, happen?
The Assassinated Archduke quoted as saying "the Arches of Duke in Belgium have fallen (circa 1914)"!

Germany Attacks France As Assassination occurs in Serbia and... North Korea fires another Missile and so forth.
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