Transonic: Boeing's futuristic 'truss-brace' design was developed with Nasa. Photo / Supplied
Birds are the next step in Boeing's progress. Boeing controls its own wing making and has unveiled a recent sketch of its Transonic design which will take the commercial jet farther, faster and higher. Once again, "World hopping" will become the new normal in the next decade of airplane development. Boeing will be forced to do something in order to make Airbus a second rate builder of aircraft.
Transonic: Boeing's futuristic 'truss-brace' design was developed with Nasa. Photo / Supplied
Next focus, the Albatross, the peregrine and the Humming Bird are what nature provides for Higher, faster with power from its respective wings and metabolisms. The hummingbird beats its wings at an alarming 2,025 beats per second and burns its energy accordingly thus needing plentiful flower nectar every so often in order to survive.
The Albatross just glides for thousands of miles across vast distances without even a wing beat, The Peregrine Falcon dives at 250 mph just using gravity and its aerodynamics for the dive. It goes faster than a skydiver 10 seconds after jumping from the airplane. Boeing will use the hummingbird beat in its new engines as the turbine blades rotating exceedingly fast and then use the Falcons aerodynamics to make the speed seem natural.
NASA has been working with Boeing to achieve a concept as pictured above.
HowStuffWorks Credit Albatross
Humming Bird Making 2,025 Stokes A Second
Peregrine Falcon Poised to Dive
Aerodynamic Transonic Bird
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