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Monday, January 28, 2019

It's About 141 Days Until The 797 Will Be Announced At Paris

After revealing over 1,000 engineers are working engineers directly on Boeing's 797 concepts, Paris is just a spot on the world stage for a big announcement event. The reveal will include launch customers and pending LOI's finalized after the first announcement is made. The tally at the launch will approach five hundred 797-7's and 797-6's consisting of both firm and MOU orders. Firm orders will be the launch customers. The American 797 order tally will include United, Delta, American, and SWA,

United is a prediction for at least a 50-50 firm to MOU orders and Delta will not be outdone with its own 50-50 intensity. American will become more conservative until the 797 program flies with the proposed engine. It may slowly sign in with American Airlines for 25 797-7's. Noe European Boeing customers may surprise market watchers when Ryan Air comes out with a 250 seat proposal for a 797-500 niche  NMA which sculptures in 250 passengers at a time using a dual aisle efficiency. It airport plane disembarking and embarking can cycle faster than the single-aisle with the small dual aisle.

The 797 NMA was made for Asia and orders could come in at a surprising rate. ANA almost bought the 787-8-300 during those heady days early years and now engineering blocks have been mostly removed during the sum of all Boeing's program. The 797 programs could risk making P&W engines with its GTF1000's making it an NMA specialty engine for every 797 airframes. After following some articulate about the GDF shortfalls, it indicates this is a better concept for the jet engine performance. The GTF has years of "efficiency catch-up" from its supply chain and faces a continuous problem solving from the wear during operations, while it is in service or on a wing. Boeing has a chance with P&W for the introduction of this engine with a clean sheet. P&W also has the developmental playbook overly corrected and lessons learned on the 320NEO program will springboard Boeing with a 50'000 lbs thrusts from P&W GTF engines'

The final count summary suggests a great show announcement will reach over 400 orders not counting any MOUS. The design completion percentage at launch announcement will be in the 80-90% range awaiting final customer input after which a formal launch announcement will automatically close all major changes unless a customer will buy 100 aircraft like Ryan Air did for 200 737 seats per plane. 

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