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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Counter War Ahead Of War

Adversarial nations to the US can't make an F-35 because they cannot expend its resources making a copy of a fifth-generation fighter like the F-35.

However, war-making programs fall behind countermeasure making elements costing billions and years of process obsolescence for war-making. Another way of putting it, it's taking years to make an F-35 while costing over a trillion dollars for its program life and in the meantime potential adversarial nations are developing faster and cheaper countermeasures against the F-35. Russia has reached the point of almost mothballing its SU-57 fifth-generation fighter because it can't seem to put it together fast enough having the full capability at a price it can afford. India has dropped out of the SU-57 program, a key contributor to its financial and technical components.

America, with a bottomless checkbook, can no longer keep pace with its own ideas for warfare. The F-35 goes on without a rival. The Chinese j-20 j-31 are rapidly becoming a paper tiger as it looks for a suitable engine powering its fifth-generation paper multirole fighter fleet.

These issues are pushing the countermeasure realm ahead of the war-making realm. It's cheaper and faster program time for developing long-range AA missiles and detection systems are a way of defeating the F-35 or F-22 American fighter jets, rather than making a comparable a fifth generation multi-role fighter for themselves.

However, the US is also developing countermeasures for fifth-generation fighters. Its vast satellite and technological advances are rendering foreign fifth generation fighters a lost cause for money spent and time allowed for war-making development. The real battle is being won in the ivory castles with window shades. The R&D segment must replace its military composition every generation while an F-35 is taking more than a generation of time to deploy, but in this case, money is no object. The adversarial players are constrained both by money and a workable technological advance within a time frame.

Hence a counter warfare evolution manifests itself through ramjet or missile technology for foreign nations. The "new" technology will be laser fired munitions exacting a toll on speed and numbers offered foreign powers. A laser realm will target anything flying that is mechanical under the speed of light. The US is rapidly making laser energy available for the F-35, warships and every other kind of war-making device generating energy. Laser technology is on the clock but will be complimenting traditional units of the Army, Navy, and Airforce by about 2025. Time is on the side of the US, in this case, as it deploys its F-35 or Columbia Class "Boomer" submarine. Money is the key weapon of war and countermeasures to development of new weapons lags behind war-making from the availability of money and the advance of "new" technology.

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