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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Boeing Data Says... 787 Had A Strong 30 Days!!!!

Boeing just updated its YTD orders list on its Web Site. It had a big year in thirty days. Long had it during 2016 it marked a net 19 787 on the books. Since so many 787 plates are spinning in the air it was a time to confuse the readers further with an Winging It exclusive chart of what just has happen with the 787 numbers contained below in a YTD chart.

Fig. 1

What all this means is that you must look at the 2016 column for perspective since the program started delivery about five years ago. The net backlog has only shrunk by thirty-five units since 2012 because of the recent orders. Before last week Boeing had only booked 19 net 787's for the year and had a backlog reduction during 2016, standing at -89 units of book shrinkage. This number compares with a program backlog reduction comparing a  post Qatar and China Southern orders booked compiling a 2016 -47 unit reduction for the year.

The big number is that at the beginning of 2012 Boeing had 767 units of 787 undelivered and now it has only 732 undelivered making and over-all drop in units of only -35 units which describes a healthy program. Boeing does have an opportunity to keep this number static (@-35) until the end of the year, as it will deliver another three dozen 787's before year's end, and it could receive additionally like number of orders before the end of 2016.

The synopsis conclusion, that over four years Boeing has achieved high production at maintaining an almost constant backlog margin, optimizing its program functionality.  

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