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Friday, March 8, 2019

Roast Turkey At S-400 Degrees

Turkey and American Technology soon part. Turkey has climbed out of the frying pan and into the oven with the US arms procurement. Russia sold them some S-400 missiles under the US complaining warnings to do that little thing. Now America is making a moral choice of taking the money for 100 F-35's or running to the next buyer who will comply with the terms of ownership.

Mainly not giving away national secrets of the US to Russia as part of the deal. Money does not equate to American freedom. Turkey does not care about America's freedom.  So for a mere $10 billion dollars. America's freedom is not for sale anywhere on this planet and Lockheed needs to explain why selling Airplanes like the F-35 adjacent to Russia is a high-risk venture is the point of the F-35, so investors must take a ten million dollar hit collectively as new buyers for the F-35s are found.

DON't SELL The TURKS The F-35!

My freedom is worth more than a mere hamburger drive-through with the family for $0.03 cents a person. Just think of Russia looking at the patriot missile system under programmers stare. Just think of an S-400 bringing down the F-22, F-35 and a trillion dollars of your Tax dollars in one show of force. What is at stake here is more than pride, it's your life that is on the line. Friday night with your closest friends at the steak house is out when the S-400 nullifies all of our collective sacrifices. Sounds a little drama doesn't it. However, Turkey played its ace already and bet against American freedom. Bad move since America cherishes its freedom more than apple pie itself. The trade is for one aircraft carrier worth of F-35's for twenty years of US secrets in one play. The answer must be a sound NO! A mere 100 F-35 for the Turks is not what the F-35 was built for, it was built for defending our freedom. Turkey has made its S-400 bed now lie in it. 

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