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Thursday, January 30, 2020

The NMA From Boeing Pressed INTO Service

Boeing has long pondered a New Medium Aircraft but has delayed due to moderate success with its big body and single-aisle aircraft, namely the 737 through the 777. But the Max has crashed twice not due to weather nor pilot error or mechanical failure. It crashes because of engineering sloppiness. Max is more of a flying skill than what the pilots are even prepared for, hence it crashed.

The single-aisle bookend to its family of airplanes is gone! It must now focus on an NMA single-aisle blend, An airplane that Airbus will copy because it can and Boeing can't afford to not build(double negative for effect). 

Winging IT has already hinted at a 150-270 seated affair where it must go twin-aisle and bigger engine to accommodate efficiency and twin-engine technology to a frame for the future growth of an airplane concept. Boeing is forced to change gears on the hill it attempts to climb. One airplane can do it while dropping the 737 Max and dropping the NMA on a rethink. 

My two cents worth should propel Boeing forward in one move for which Airbus can't respond well forcing a drop of its A321 and others. Boeing needs to play hardball and stop its sophistry from the design board or executive level stockmarket thinking.

It must build an NMA which causes Airbus to rethink its march on the market. Boeing's top-end WB  is solid but it has a MAX bottom end making it pay for its sloppy long-range strategy on the cheap. Now it must go back and rethink what it must do from old fashion values of work hard and be honest with its customers. It must sell its customers on a new vision in order to succeed.

The NMA must succeed in two regions. The single-aisle-replacement mode and the dual aisle gap filler mode as a segway to its 787 and beyond. A twofer for one is the objective of hard work and honesty, a 757 NMA. A short twin-aisle aircraft with taller legs is the beginning. Bring Embraer forward in the single-aisle end of a family by going down to regional distances from the smaller airports and smaller seat counts. Capping the market segment will stretch 757 twins/twin from 150- 270 seats in the continental configuration of up to 5,000 miles. Bigger than 737 engines are brought to from a new clean sheet. Twin-aisles and twin engines name it the "twin-twin". Airbus would only be able to knock off a twin-twin concept. Doing so would make it a fart wider than Boeing's concept, but Boeing's marketing is left to fight that battle. Or better-stated, twin X twin makes it four times better than the one aisle coming from Airbus' A321.

Air Current Proposes

The Air Current Link agrees with Winging IT in so much as uses its great detective skills regarding Boeing and say "clean Sheet" and let the Max fade into oblivion while bringing on a new aircraft doing it the right way, which they can and will!

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Boeing Needs To Build A Clean Sheet from 175 Passenger to 270 Passenger Seating

In order to do that, it must snuff out the 737 Max and enhance the NMA line idea first up is a seven across seating regimen and lengthening the 737-NMA  depending on row capacity of 2-3-2 dual aisle seating. Fast on Fast off having dual-aisle configuration. It must have a 15" wide interior capacity for seven across seating.  The stretch goes as follows:

  • NMA 175 is 24 rows of the premium economy (PE)
  • NMA 200 is a stretch out for 30 (PE) rows using the same engines slotted on the 150
  • NMA 250 is a stretch out having 36 rows of 7 across seats maybe a "34" pitch.
  • NMA 275 is the same stretch-out length as the 250 models but with 31" pitch or whatever, it takes having 275 seats.

Gone are the 737 Maxs and gone are the low clearance landing gears, With longer clearance stretch, it may allow the most efficient engines with the diameter it needs to beat the competition.  Okay, Boeing engineers do your stuff and snuff the 737 Max.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Will Broncos Nett Tanner From Borah

Tanner Nett is and plays center being 6'6" for Borah High in Boise, enough said that he can block. Is he a Boise State recruit?

Democrats Are Doing Their Best To Elect Trump

Donald Trump is on a roll having Democrats pushing his way to a second term during 2020 voting. Here how they are doing it. 
  • Demonstrating "political idiocracy" is another way of promoting impeachment by a Democrat plank in its platform.

  • Promoting a 500-year plan at a myopic dystopia young democrat learning center0313-301-main-img 
  • Foremost is the impeachment of a nothing exampling high crimes and misdemeanors not defined with even with a probable cause indictment. 
Go Democrats force people to vote and for Trump!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

F-22 and its Secret Radar

Take a jet with superior maneuverability. speed and stealth. And! then add a no-budget line new radar system, then Iran will lose it's airforce and missile emplacements to the US. Say good-bye to Irans F-4 and medium/short-range defensive missiles. Yes, the F-22 is more expensive than you know. 

It has technological features without any budget assigned to it. That's why the F-22 is the badest fighter in the sky. Talk radar, I can't. Talk missile loads, I can't. Talk about the F-22's stealth, I somewhat can!

The F-22 is really bad and Iran only has a few workable F-4's from the Vietnam era that can't hide. It will scavenge parts from the nonflying copies or make their own parts for a maintenance hole created by "old" era jets They are just flying practice targets for the US Airforce. Back to the F-22 radar, it's more secret than the F-22 itself for which the F-35 will have in some form.

Monday, January 6, 2020

As in WWII it wasn't the Weapon

It was the making of that weapon in great numbers without any harassment applied to its making process. The US was set in relative separation position could build in great numbers what Europe needed. Soldiers, planes, munition ships and so forth while Germany's genius was bombed into dust from 44-45. The F-35 is the newest player from America. Even if Russia could build fleets of war implementations could they stay pace with quality and quantity both are needed for any war effort? The F-35 is nearing 500 flying examples the Su-57 about 12 test version for its stab into the next generation. By the year 2025, the US and its allies will have 1,000 flying F-35 copies embedded into the war front and maybe china and Russia can answer with 500 5th generation at best. New drones, missiles and energy weapons by the year 2020 are more game-changers emerging from a military defense ramp-up. It is the culture of the US from this point forward or until losing the military complex high ground.

Monday, December 23, 2019

How Bad Is The Boeing Death Spiral? Muilenburg Bad!

Boeing just fired Dennis Muilenburg, Its CEO. It was bad when Dennis took the top chair and now he bears the brunt of a sloppy corporate philosophy. Jump out with Boeing money and damn the torpedoes. Now Boeing lets him go and thinks it needs a change before it gets SERIOUS.

CNN Business Reports:

Orlando Sentinal Muilenburg Fall from grace

"Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg was ousted on Monday after a tumultuous period in which the company faced a series of setbacks, including two fatal crashes, delays and numerous issues with its 737 Max airplane. Boeing continues to struggle to get its most important product back in the air.
Chairman David Calhoun will take over as CEO, effective January 13, 2020."
Boeing is falling on its sward and this admits to its folly when canning Muilenburg.

Monday, December 9, 2019

When Will The F35 Fight?

A prediction of a first fight against the F-35 is set in the next ten years. It will involve the F-35 against Russian technology in the Middle East. Look to see the Russian missile system compromised during this type of conflict in the region and then using a Naval contingent back-dooring Israel from the Mediterranean and using supporting Russian players from Muslim nations as the means for its end of battle.

Israel's Adair will need a fleet of 35 units and neutralize adversarial ground assets to counter an assortment those same adversarial combatants and its equipment. Like most of Israel's wars it will be not elongated in time because it has mostly a first punch take the high ground philosophy. If Israel cannot get it mitigated in a fortnight the US will have to deploy within the region on its own behalf. The fortnight could look like this. A mass of all muslim assets in the region with a Russian game changing involvement. Particular a liberal use of Russia's S-400 missile system on Turkey's behalf. 

Israel will keep a short game within five hundred miles of its borders. Tactical nukes cannot be ignored in this scenario. The conflict battle minutes are as if they were days comparing from past conflicts like WWII. The five year conflict will compress into less than a month of time to exhaust military resources before more can be brought into a regional conflict. If this spreads to hemispheric conflict then it will last six months because military productivity is slower than a battle progress and destruction. War efficiency will name the winner.

In other words, how fast can a super power get to the battle space and commit will affect war duration and outcome. In a week three phase of battle Israel will be reduced to ancillary role using its self defense assets to preserve itself if it cannot deliver a capitchulating blow within the first 14 days. Outer Space becomes a new and crucial factor. Push button technology will determine the final outcome. Those nations with the best military toys and most will prevail. The world will be reshaped at the end of this cyclic escapade as measured through history of wars and how often. It is periodic and predictable and China will stay out unless it sees opportunity to rule over weakened powers.

The F-35 will fight until there are no more. In this prediction it bring almost a thousand to the front. It will harness all military assets from ground to orbit to defeat an adversary in an overarching display of technological dominance.